Saturday, October 6, 2012

Alyssa, a high school graduate.

What?? That was my reaction. But needing shoes and needing senior photos and a photo for a school ID all coincided so the two of us went to the mall. There were some cool looking storage bins in the parking lot, so we got to work.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

It's Random

We got to the shop a little after five pm today after a stop at Stator Bros. where we'd picked up some half n half and a bag of ice. Four of us in Jacks pleasure craft; one simple mission: bring Uncle Mike a caramel frappé.

One slight hitch, we can't exactly make a frappé without a blender. No big deal though, at least we've got someone who knows how to pull shots, we've got good company, and we've got good music.

Now for the big question #1:
What is the first thing you do when you walk in?
-You'll never guess so I'll tell you: you look in the fridge. Well we did that and the result was finding a half eaten Sub sandwich. (Lesson learned, if you look in the fridge when you're hungry you may or may not find something in there but you'll never know until you've looked.) K, back to the shop...

"Don't mind her, she always dances after she eats. Thats how happy food makes her... Annie, what's this?"

"WHAT!? NOOooo!!!!!"...

I'll spare the details and just say that Jack is on his way back to the store to exchange the fat free half n half for the regular deal and now we're in for big question #2:
What makes a quality girl?

-"a girl who finds her identity and self worth only in Christ. Everything else is just clothes and make-up... Minor details and subject to interpretation."

Thats about the extent of the wisdom that came from this trip.


Edit: this is not Merrie's writing, it was just written on her iPhone. -A.D.D.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Life is beautiful

Enjoying a day filled with espresso, long talks and friendship. Be thankful for each day!

We're online: We're a little high on caffeine.

God is real. We're convinced.  Beyond a shadow of a doubt.

We started this blog for the patrons of the Random Expresso Cafe.  We hope it's as much of an encouragement to you as it is to us.

Anyone and everyone is allowed to post here.  Just keep it clean, keep it short and keep it real.

We're watching proposal videos on youtube, and rating them from best to worst. 

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.

There you have it.  Real, clean and short.

C'est tout, chéris